Better than 'Catastrophe'
In 2003, I suddenly stumbled on Belle and Sebastian. Of course, I'd heard of them before but put them down to Scottish shoegazers with a Smiths fixation. But on a trip to Kramer Books, my ears perked up at what they were playing (turns out it was the B&S soundtrack to the film Storytelling). I immediately rushed out and bought Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant...and I was hooked.
I saw them at the 9.30 Club in early 2004 touring for their successful, well-polished album Dear Catastrophe Waitress and they were wonderful. There's something infinitely satisfying about seeing seven (or eight) musicians who are completely devoid of rock-star attitude just playing their instruments and making some wonderful harmonies.
So when I picked up their brand new album The Life Pursuit this weekend, I knew I'd like it (B&S are literally the only "new" band--and they've been around 10 years--whose music I will purchase the day it's released without so much as a sneak listen). And I'm hooked, again. I like it better than Dear Catastrophe Waitress--it's less polished and clean, a bit more experimental...but let's face it; people like Belle and Sebastian because their music is so damn catchy.
Standout tracks are "Funny Little Frog," "To Be Myself Completely," "Another Sunny Day" and "Sukie in the Graveyard," although I honestly like every track (and the hooks sink deeper on subsequent listens). If you are among those who aren't that impressed (and I know exactly who you are!!) ask me for a listen of this album.
Wow--two great albums (this one and Rosanne Cash's), one damn good album (Cat Power's The Greatest) and a new single from Donald Fagen--and it's only early February. Hmmm...this year's off to a damn good start.
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